

One of the most important companies on the fuel distribution market and the developer of the jt terminal project, the only private terminal for petroleum products in Romania

NĂVODARI, Constanța County - Romania

Logistics & Service

JT Trucks & Bus Services

We own a logistics base of almost 1 HA equipped with repair, maintenance, offices and fuel tank warehouses. The service, equipped with new parts and managed by a team of qualified mechanics, ensures high quality services for quick tank repairs. We intervene promptly to minimize the time a tanker is idle and to deliver the required amount of fuel to the customer in the shortest possible time.

JT Trucks & Bus Services is a team with great experience in the field combined with the advantage of modern equipment. The service has been designed to ensure an adequate and modern work environment with well-structured workflows and room for maneuver for specific activities.

Fuel distribution operations in the South-East of Romania with the help of our own fleet of 11 tankers with a capacity of up to 40,000

Full sourcing service direct to your location, including fast delivery

JT Terminal, the newest and most modern terminal for liquid petroleum products in Constanța Port

We have a logistics base equipped with repair, maintenance, offices and fuel tank warehouses

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